6.2.24 Acts 2:1–21 (again) Part III

In the excitement of what God is going, can we be patient and content with what God is doing? There are at least two dangers, here, I think. One is to try to rush ahead of God to get to the end before he does his slow work. That might be looking at current events … Continue reading 6.2.24 Acts 2:1–21 (again) Part III

6.2.24 Acts 2:1–21 (again) Part II

In Genesis 1, it is the Trinity that brings order into the chaos. The Spirit hovers—like a bird. I want you to get this image in your mind. Don’t think of a hawk or a vulture soaring on a thermal without beating his wings. Think of a bird trying to remain in place. When birds … Continue reading 6.2.24 Acts 2:1–21 (again) Part II