6.23.24 Acts 2:37–38 Part III

Baptism calls the believer to something and the local church to something, but of course, it also is a picture of what God has done. Again, from the blue book, “Baptism, first of all, proclaims God’s promise that Christ’s death has become our own and that he has borne our judgment.”  But the good news … Continue reading 6.23.24 Acts 2:37–38 Part III

6.23.24 Acts 2:37–38 Part II

Baptism is the outward sing of an inward reality. It’s a public declaration of the repentance, the change of allegiance that has taken place in our hearts. Our statement of faith says it this way: “The Lord Jesus mandated two ordinances, baptism and the Lord’s Supper, which visibly and tangibly express the gospel. Though they … Continue reading 6.23.24 Acts 2:37–38 Part II